Ontario’s Building Ontario For You Act (Bill 216) has introduced important updates to the Construction Act. These changes are designed to make the industry fairer and more efficient for everyone – from site workers to subcontractors and project managers.
Reforming the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is essential for Ontario to address the dual challenges of a housing shortage and increasing rental demand.
Paralegals became a recognized and regulated profession in Ontario primarily to address the growing demand for affordable legal services and to improve access to justice.
Ontario’s Building Ontario For You Act (Bill 216) has introduced important updates to the Construction Act. These changes are designed to make the industry fairer and more efficient for everyone – from site workers to subcontractors and project managers.
Reforming the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is essential for Ontario to address the dual challenges of a housing shortage and increasing rental demand.
Paralegals became a recognized and regulated profession in Ontario primarily to address the growing demand for affordable legal services and to improve access to justice.
When a company goes bankrupt, it can feel like a sudden storm, leaving employees adrift and uncertain about their future.
Apparently, the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) work is becoming increasingly difficult. Experienced tax professionals who develop tax plans that are increasingly complex and difficult to identify. Sophisticated taxpayers who are always looking for ways to reduce their tax burden.
Many of us have sat on boards of directors, either out of professional obligation or simply to give back to others