Federal government announced that the capital gains inclusion rate hike will be postponed until January 1st, 2026.
Yasmine Atif

Yasmine Atif


Since her call to the bar of Ontario, Yasmine’s practice focuses exclusively on personal injury claims on behalf of Plaintiffs. Yasmine is passionate about advocating on behalf of injured individuals and their families. She has appeared before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the Small Claims Court, the Landlord and Tenant Board, and the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board.

Yasmine completed her undergraduate degree in Political Science and her Common Law degree at the University of Ottawa. While in law school, Yasmine was involved with the University of Ottawa’s Human Rights Legal Clinic and assisted with a number of publications for the United Nations. During her studies, she completed an internship at a criminal law firm in southern Texas, where she provided legal services to underprivileged communities.

Before joining Sicotte Guilbault in 2022, Yasmine completed her articles at a well-known Ottawa all-service firm. After being called to the bar, she worked as an Associate at a personal injury firm. Yasmine is fluently bilingual and is happy to offer her services in both official languages.

In her free time, Yasmine plays soccer, hockey, golf, and classical piano. She enjoys traveling, college basketball, and exploring new cultures and foods.



Have a question for me? I’m always happy to help out!
How can I help? Direct line: 613-368-4624

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